After a not as good as it should be heart scan, my husband decided to 'get healthy'. This involved a lot more fruit and veggies than he was eating before (read this as none), smaller food portions, and a lot more home cooked meals. I admit that since he started going in to work and hour earlier I had not worried about making him meals as much so he ate a lot of take out and hospital food (yum!) which is ironically not very healthy.
So here I am trying to make veggies as palatable as possible. I win a small battle every now and then, but really feel like I am losing the war. He just doesn't like them, can't tolerate them, no matter what I do. Thankfully he is understanding when I sneak pureed veggies in pretty much every meal than can hide a veggie.
I am also spending a small fortune in groceries buying out of season fruit so we have plenty of fruit on hand for him and the kids.
My biggest success with this is the home cooked meals. I have really committed to making him meals to take to work. Sometimes I am cooking after the kids have gone to bed. Other times I am making a separate set of meals while I am cooking the evening's dinner. It is often frustrating, but I am getting a real sense of accomplishment from it.
The best news is that he is showing results. Since July he has lost over 30lbs and is in jeans the size he wore in high school. His joy at being able to wear Levi 501 jeans again was too cute!
I'm not sure where I am going with this post, but I needed to tell someone about how proud I am of myself for being able to help him on this journey. Oh yeah, and if you have any good ideas for making veggies more palatable send them to me.
Keep trying on the veggies. Hubby is trying to learn to like them too. The cost is crazy but the health benefits are worth it. We like the pre bagged salads.