Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New You

What's your resolution? 

We hear that a lot this time of the year.  I don't believe in resolutions.  I believe that if you want to make a life change there is no better time than the present, no matter what time of the year.  This year I happened to be sick over the New Year's holiday.  As it happened I went for several days without caffeine due to this illness and broke my dreaded caffeine addiction.  I am sure all the 7-11s in my neighborhood probably think we have moved since they haven't seen me in days.  I am thrilled about not NEEDING caffeine to make it through the day.  I can't say I feel any better, but I feel better about myself which is something.

I don't believe in resolutions but I do believe that we can take an opportunity that is presented and use it to our advantage.  I hated being sick, but I am glad that I was able to start the new year well rested and caffeine free.

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