Friday, September 17, 2010

What do you mean I can't do it all?!?

I have lived the past few years under the assumption that I could do it all--work, be a mom, be a wife, cook meals every night, mow the yard, keep a clean house, stay totally caught up on laundry, remember all the details of life for 4 people AND keep my sanity.  I have just now realized this is not possible.  I have passed on one of my responsibilities...mowing the yard.  For the first time in my life I am paying someone to mow my yard for me and I am thinking about making it a regular occurrence.  The relief I felt last night when I did not have to make the choice--sit the kids in front of the TV while I mow the yard or spend time with the kids--was incredible.  I helped the kids ride bikes up and down the street (one of these days they will figure it out) and we played soccer in the front yard until it was time to get ready for bed.  Beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Realizing you can't do it all is a HUGE step. It took me a long time to realize that. Your friends don't care if the house is not clean. Really they don't.
