Monday, September 6, 2010

And they call Chicago "The Windy City"

I've never understood that.  Being from Oklahoma, wind is just a fact of life.  It blows...a lot.  In fact when I was living in another town for a while I could not figure out why driving seemed so different, until a windy day.  Then I realized that I had spent my entire adult life compensating for the wind while driving.  Funny.

I have wind on my mind today because we went to the zoo on a very windy Labor Day.  It was one of our best zoo trips, breezy, lots of active animals to see, no tantrums.  Thankfully we left just as the rest of OKC decided to hit the zoo and my kids decided to have meltdowns.  Timing.  That's what parenting is all about.  When is the optimal time to do something and how long can we do it?  Great that I figured this out now that the kids are almost 4 and 5.  I could have saved myself a lot of pain over the years.

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